
Wrestling with Mystery

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. February 17, 2019 Have you ever fought with someone all night long?? Have you ever fought with yourself all night long? Yeah, me too. Which is why I'm excited to share this week's sermon with you. It tells the story of an epic, night long fight. It's a story that changed my life. I hope it will change yours too. It's a story I've been reading for about 12-years now and it's deeply informed my understanding of the spiritual quest. It's permeated my heart and it shows up underneath, within, and around ... (Continue Reading)

To Weaken the Causes of Suffering (Kriya Yoga)

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. January 27, 2019 This week we're exploring the practice of Three Essential Things. So obviously, I decided to cover 3 rocks in gold leaf. Last week's sermon was heavy AND optimistic. It reminded us that suffering is real, but we're not stuck in our suffering. We can take steps to move our lives and our world in a different direction. This week we explore those steps. We're diving into the practice of Kriya Yoga (yoga in action), which is a practice to help us weaken the causes of suffering (to weaken our ignorance, ego, ... (Continue Reading)

Intention, Goals, & Identity | Free Journal Pages! (New Year 2019)

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. January 6, 2019 Intention, Goals, & Identity - A Journal! We're officially living in 2019. How's it feeling so far? It's already been somewhat of a roller coaster for me... I had to make a difficult choice this week, which came with all the feelings. But I've been reflecting on what I said in last week's sermon about the importance of language (remember my example of saying "anxiety is strong right now" instead of "I AM anxious") and I've been putting it into practice. I have to tell you, it works! Naming ... (Continue Reading)

Who Sets Your Goals? | The New Year (2019)

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. December 30th, 2018 | Happy New Year! With a New Year comes new goals, new commitments, and new dreams. And I want to hear all about yours! But first, I want to invite you into a conversation about identity. This week's sermon is designed to support you before you dive into the hard work of making changes in your life. It's designed to help you think about the strange question of "Who sets your goals?" (It's a good one, based on the first teachings of the Yoga Sutras.) And once you've had a chance to watch ... (Continue Reading)

The Wild Willingness of God | Christmas 2019

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. December 23rd, 2018 This week I've got a short sermon to help inspire your Christmas celebrations. However you're spending the holidays this year, I wish you joy and ease. The Wild Willingness of God Watch: or Listen: or Read: I’ve had a ever shifting relationship with the holiday of Christmas throughout my life—maybe we all have to some degree. But last year, just after Christmas was over actually, something strange happened for me. As I was decompressing from the activities of the holiday I was struck with wonder ... (Continue Reading)

External Darkness Internal Light | Winter Solstice (2018)

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. December 16th, 2018 Is the sun up for you yet? Where I live the sun rises about 8am and sets around 4pm. And in between it never really gets that high. It sort of hugs the southern horizon all day. Earlier this week I painted a little triptych of its journey... External Darkness Internal Light (Winter Solstice) Watch: or Listen: or Read: As we explored last week we’re currently in the season of Advent—which is a season of waiting. Living in the Northern Hemisphere, I understand the timing ... (Continue Reading)

Love as the Practice of Attention (love – part 3)

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. October 28th, 2018 This week I had to re-up my CPR certification. I was late to the class and sat down in the only available seat, quickly realizing I was next to the "strange" guy. It'd been the empty seat for a reason. Embarrassingly my first reactions were judgement and envy. I was judging the man for being loud and missing the social cues of the moment. I was judging myself for being late. And I was looking around the room envious of all the partners I could've had if I'd been on ... (Continue Reading)

The Yoga Church Community

Welcome to the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons. October 14th, 2018 Three years ago, while backpacking high up in the mountains, I turned to my husband and said: “I want to start a church.” It sounded like a crazy thing coming out of my mouth, but the dream had been shouting so loud in my heart that I couldn’t hold it back any longer. Unfortunately, the dream wasn’t the only thing shouting within me. So was fear. Lots of it. I don’t know what your inner fear voice tells you, but mine was saying things like: “What kind of person ... (Continue Reading)

The Middle Ground Between Love & Contempt (love – part 1)

After listening to the sermon “Who, or what, is God?” a few weeks ago, Pam wrote: “As soon as you asked what opposites I feel in my life I thought of the command to love everyone and yet I find myself disliking our country’s leaders. Without getting political, how do we feel love towards someone who we don’t respect? For me this is a constant push and pull struggle. How do I reflect God’s love in my life if I have contempt for someone?” These are important personal reflections and wise questions. Thank you Pam for sharing them with ... (Continue Reading)

the Ground of all Being (fall equinox part 1)

Yesterday—in the northern hemisphere where I live—was the fall equinox and it was my full intention to offer you a sermon in celebration of the season change. But when I sat down to write, something else entirely poured out of me... The fall equinox feels like a very earthy thing and apparently something inside of me needed to root us on the ground before I could actually begin writing about the season change. So you're getting the fall equinox sermon in two parts over two weeks. The Ground of all Being (fall equinox part 1) ... (Continue Reading)

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