
New Year Intentions (2016)

As you've heard me say before, I love the New Year! I love turning the page to a brand new fresh year, full of possibility. I did away with hard and fast resolutions that start with "I will not..." a long time ago. These days I'm much more interested in positive intentions for the New Year. I'm interested in projects and goals. In 2015 my intention was to connect with nature in a deeper way and so my goal became to sleep outside more. So I created my "camp every month" project. And I did it! You can see pictures ... (Continue Reading)

May there be peace on earth | Free practice (2015)

During the holidays we often hear the phrase "Let there be peace on earth." This a beautiful sentiment, one that I pray for everyday. Unfortunately, it's not a reality for many people. When I think about this, I often become overwhelmed. I'm unsure how to respond to all the needs within my family, my town, my country, my world. We are exposed to so much poverty, suffering, and terror on a daily basis. My prayers for peace feel inadequate. But prayers are powerful. I've been actively praying for the past 10-years. My personal understanding---and my theology---of prayer has changed radically ... (Continue Reading)

By |2019-10-08T15:20:26-07:00December 8th, 2015|Asana, Embodiment, Holidays, Meditation, Practice, Pranayama, Religion, Scripture, Spirituality, Yoga|0 Comments

Practicing Gratitude in Community (Thanksgiving 2015)

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the food (dressing, green bean casserole, and pecan pie specifically!). And I love the tradition of pausing to intentionally reflect on what I’m grateful for. I’ve been enjoying all the posts on social media about gratitude this month and have had the pleasure of working with the topic in a special class I’m currently teaching. As I began to think about what kind of gratitude practice I wanted to offer you this year, I became overwhelmed by the amount of violence in our world. I knew that ... (Continue Reading)

By |2019-10-08T15:05:18-07:00November 18th, 2015|Holidays, Practice, Relationships|0 Comments
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