Sign up for the Yoga Church Sunday Sermons

They’re totally free and delivered online (so you can stay in your pajamas if you want to!)

These sermons are a weekly touchstone for your spiritual life.

They’re grounded in some of the ancient texts of yoga (the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads) and occasionally weave in teachings from other traditions.

They won’t give you hard and fast answers. Instead they’ll offer you new ways to think about the biggest questions in life.

They’ll inspire and challenge you.

They’ll nourish your spirit and help you build practices that support the action of living with intention, meaning, and mystery. 

They’ll help you wrestle with big questions like:

  • Who am I?
  • What does it mean to believe in God without knowing what God is?
  • How do I deal with difficult emotions and negative thinking patterns?
  • How do I work for a more peaceful world?

Sign up to join our community of spiritual seekers:

You’ll receive an email on Sunday morning with the week’s sermon and an invitation to join the Yoga Church Weekly Gathering.

“I appreciate that I can always find them in my inbox on Sunday morning; email that isn’t junk or bills. I appreciate the explanations of yogic texts and references to other teachers. Most recently, the reminder that we are whole beings who will spend our lives stripping away cultural conditioning provided me a lot of grace and self compassion.” —MW

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